How To Get My Gun License In British Columbia 5,5/10 2735votes

Our film critics on blockbusters, independents and everything in between. At first it was peaceful protest, Long told The Root. Until someone pointed a gun at my head. Then the same person pointed it at my foot and shot the ground. Mindspark Interactive. Help Uninstall EULA Privacy. Information about guns and gun control through studies, statistics, and published facts. Staying Safe on the Trail. With A Gun. The woods are pretty damn safe. I mean, you can spend every weekend hiking through areas infested with dangerous wildlife, and see nothing more than a snowshoe hare or a mule deer. But Lady Luck is a fickle bitch and theres always at least a miniscule chance you will run into something or someone that wants to take a peek inside you. There are as many strategies for deep woods self protection as there are picnic tables in Yellowstone, so the first order of the day is to know your adversary. This is a discussion about hiking and camping, not hunting. Where you choose to commune with nature defines the short list of bad guys youll need to concern yourself with. If you arent in the Northern Rockies, things get much easier since you dont have to worry about grizzly bears or Northwest Canadas brown bears. Mountain lions are likewise limited almost exclusively to the western US. Eastern adventurers biggest worries are black bears, and to a lesser extent, tasty members of the porcine family. Protecting yourself against an angry pig usually involves trying to steal his bacon to begin with Ill leave the mechanics of hog defense to our Texas boys. Black bears are the wimps of the woodsusually. Most black bear encounters end with the bear asses and elbows. My only blackie encounter occurred in the woods of western Massachusetts in the Deerfield River area. I was lugging a 2. I rounded the corner and came upon a large sow. I knew she was a sow because of the cute little cub nearby. My first instinct was to film the encounter my second was to run like hell. But long ago I learned you never run from a predator and my feet stayed planted. I raised the camera to my shoulder, and started shouting HEY BEAR while trying to look as big and in hindsight, as stupid as possible. It worked. Mama bear dashed into the woods and I never saw her again. That doesnt mean that theyre harmlessm though far from it. Virtually all black bear attacks are predatory in nature the exception being sows protecting cubs. How To Get My Gun License In British Columbia' title='How To Get My Gun License In British Columbia' />Bear experts recommend fighting for your life if youre attacked by a black bear because it wants to eat you. Whats that You dont want to be eaten Then you need to fight back and on this blog that means bringing firepower to bear. Now let me contradict myself. Your primary weapon against any bear should be a can of bear spray. Not pepper spray, but the 2 Capsaicin stuff specifically for use on bears. Before you guys get all up in a huff, consider your point of aim on a 2. One second later, at about two yards, he will jump and knock you down. Hows your aim under duress Will your round be strong enough to penetrate its skull Can you find a heart shot and will the bear drop before it takes some good sized chunks out of you All in a couple of seconds With bear spray, you can instantly put a big orange cloud of pain between you and the bear which almost always stops the charge. Any good brand of spray will be most effective between 1. Use both hands to hold the can, the pressure is high and the can kicks up, and you want to aim low so the spray doesnt go over the bears head. What if that hungry black bear isnt affected by the spray or what if its windy and raining, rendering the spray ineffectiveLike most of you Im certain, I love to shoot my guns. I enjoy shot after shot all day long at the shooting range whether it is with one of my Shotguns, one of my. Once you have submitted the firearm application, the license type cannot be changed. When you visit your local agency, you will need to inform them of the mistake. British Columbia is the westernmost province of Canada. Originally politically constituted as a pair of British colonies, British Columbia joined the Canadian. Ontario collector specializes in personalized plates. Learn the truth about how to drive without a license. Is it legal Whats the difference between driving traveling What do you say to a cop when stoppedGet your damn gun out. Shoot the bear until its no longer a threat. Now, youre thinking, what gun is the best for bear defense  Of course, one that will stop a bear in its tracks. A. H H Magnum always at the ready will do the trick, but thats not very practical on a Sunday hike. Lets look at what features and functions are important in bear defense. If you have never seen a real bear up close, it can be hard to convey the power and speed the brutes have, especially grizzly bears. I took my dad to Yellowstone this past week, and we had the extremely rare opportunity to observe a big male grizzly up close. He was on the side of the road, just out of the park, and we watched from the safety of the car while he grazed on the low shrubs. Without warning, he took several steps toward the car just a drainage ditch separated us. Fingers went to the power window button. His next move revealed raw speed and power. The bear turned and bolted up the hill, easily covering thirty yards in about three leaps. Imagine youre in the woods, and that griz is thirty yards away. What firearm can you bring to aim in less than two seconds Forget long guns unless its an SBR, you wont have time to swing it around to target. Who wants to hike and carry a long gun anywaySure, if youre hunting, but on a camp hike trip its going to be a burden. The logical conclusion is a handgun in as big a caliber as you can comfortably manage. Internet Forum concensus seems to hold across the board that nothing less powerful than a. Magnum for black bears, and for grizzlies, a. Magnum is minimum, with. Cassull or. 5. 00 S W recommended if you can handle the large frame. When it comes to Canadas brown bears, forget it. If you dont have a big bore rifle, youre on the menu. Accept it. Grizzly bears are the assholes of the forest. Its very rare for them to prey on humans, but most grizzles wont hesitate to bitch slap you and let you know whos boss. Their aggressive demeanor is readily apparent in their tactics. Grizzlies will bluff charge, and possibly knock you down, even giving a bite. If you are no longer a threat, the bear will usually leave. But if you act like a scared little animal, it could return and eat you. Just keep your spray at the ready when the line of sight is limited and youre in grizzly country. If you do have to shoot, put as many big bullets as you can in the area above the lowered skull and below the big, muscular hump. As a last resort, if the bear is on you, shoot inside the mouth, in the eye if you can get it, or in the chest under the neck. If thats your only strategy left, at least try not to be under the bear when it dies. The next consideration to bear is your choice of bear ammunition. There are a few manufacturers that make rounds specifically for bear defense. Theyre hard ball and non expanding so they can punch through 8 1. Now, weve covered everyones scary nightmare animal. What about the rest  Wolves, mountain lions, rabid badgers, anything not a bear gets treated like a human, which for me means 2. Hydra Shok 1. 24 grain in a Beretta 9. FS.   I will likely never have to shoot anything in the woods, but I know that my handgun and a couple of extra mags makes me a bit more prepared to handle the unexpected. Digimon World 3 Bin File. Especially when the unexpected has teeth. My recommendation for the trail is a three tier approach. First, bear spray in a holster on your packs chest strap, strong side. Any time Def. Con bear ramps up, unholster the can to reduce draw time. The spray is also useful against lesser mammals. If the spray can isnt an option due to weather or other circumstances, or if you decide the threat requires lethal force, your favorite pistol open carried in a retention holster is the way to go. I carry my 9. 2FS at 2 oclock, secured to my packs waist strap. Its a bit worse for wear after a couple of trail spills, and Ive only had to draw once, when the stench of cat urine filled the air while we were crossing through a tight spot. The final line of defense is a large caliber revolver as a backup.