Html Video Tutorial For Beginners Exe 8,4/10 143votes

Four Steps to Create First WCF Service For Beginners. This article is for beginners who are starting in WCF. I will focus on helping you to create and consume your first WCF Service in the simplest of steps. Learn and research electronics, science, chemistry, biology, physics, math, astronomy, transistors, and much more. PORTAL to. The following is the procedure. At the end of this article you should able to create your first WCF Service and consume that in a Console Application. I will continue to add further articles in this series to make WCF easier for you. Project setup. Launch any edition of Visual Studio 2. Create a project by choosing WCF Service Application project template from WCF tab. Free DVD Ripper Freeware Key Features. Suit for both veterans and beginners If you are a veteran, the DVD ripping and converting software has so many options for you. Fedora Core and Red Hat Linux CD Installation, Version Upgrade, Configuration and Basic Administration. This tutorial covers the installation andor upgrades. Our server was hacked, and all PHP files were infected. The infected PHP file was injected with a malicious code malware, see below, the code calls another PHP file. This tutorial explains simple blob detection using OpenCV. What is a Blob A Blob is a group of connected pixels in an image that share some common property E. Combofix is a freeware application designed for advanced users to scan and manually remove malware and spyware from your computer running Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8. N4DuR7YU/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Html Video Tutorial For Beginners Exe' title='Html Video Tutorial For Beginners Exe' />Html Video Tutorial For Beginners ExeCreate a Hello, world app,VB. Net Tutorial for beginners Learn VB. Net Programming in simple and easy steps starting from Environment setup, Basic Syntax. Experts Exchange Questions Call exe from vbscript, wait for return and catch return code How To Get Sony Vegas Pro 13 for FREE on Windows 7,8,10 in 2016 Still Works Voice Tutorial Duration 234. Extra Roid 104,154 views. Step by step help on getting started with gameboy advance programming we will take you all the way from downloading the compiler to making your first rom. HTML5.jpg' alt='Html Video Tutorial For Beginners Exe' title='Html Video Tutorial For Beginners Exe' />Delete default created IService. Service. 1. svc file. Step 1 Create Service Contract To create a Service Contract Right click on the project and select Add New Item. From the Web tab choose WCF Service to add. Let us give the service the name Calculator. Next you need to perform the following tasks Open ICalculator. AF/htmldog.png' alt='Html Video Tutorial For Beginners Exe' title='Html Video Tutorial For Beginners Exe' />Do. Work function. Ensure the attribute of the Interface is set as Service. ContractDefine the functions you want to create as part of the Contract. Set the Attribute of the functions as Operation. ContractYou will create an ICalculator Service Contract with the four basic calculator operations as the following. ICalculator. csusing System. Service. Model namespace fourstepblogdemo   Service. Contract    publicinterface. ICalculator           Operation. Contract       double Add. Numbersdouble number. Operation. Contract       double Substract. Numbersdouble number. Operation. Contract       double Multiply. Numbersdouble number. Operation. Contract       double Division. Numbersdouble number. You have created a Service Contract above with four Operation Contracts. These contracts will be part of the Service Contract and exposed to clients. By this step you have created the ICalculator Service Contract. Step 2 Expose Endpoints with Metadata In this step you need to expose Endpoints and the Metadata of the service. To do this open the Web. We are going to create one Endpoint with basic. Http. Binding. We are adding a metadata Endpoint also to expose the metadata of the service. We need metadata at the client side to create a proxy. Calculator      lt endpointaddresscontractfourstepblogdemo. ICalculatorbindingbasic. Http. Binding      lt endpointaddressmexcontractIMetadata. Exchangebindingmex. Http. Binding    lt service  lt services Step 3 Implement Service In this step we need to implement the service. To implement the service, open Calculator. Service. Contract ICalculator. Delete the implementation of the Do. Work function from Calculator. Calculator. svc. csnamespace fourstepblogdemo    publicclass. Calculator ICalculator            publicdouble Add. Numbersdouble number. Substract. Numbersdouble number. Multiply. Numbersdouble number. Division. Numbersdouble number. As of now you have created the Service and configured the Endpoint. Now you need to host the service. Cobol Compiler Installer. There are many processes in which a WCF Service can be hosted. Some processes are Managed Application IIS ASP. Net Web Server Windows Service App Fabric In this article we are not going into the details of the WCF Service hosting and we will consider the simplest hosting option. Let us host the service in an ASP. Net Web Server. To host it press F5 in Visual Studio. In the browser you will see the Service as in the following. To view the metadata of the Service click on the WSDL URL. You may notice that the Service is hosted by localhost. Step 3 Consume Service There are various ways a WCF SOAP Service can be consumed in various kinds of clients. In this article we will consume the service in a Console Application. Launch Visual Studio and create a Console Application project. Now there are two ways you can create a proxy at the client side. Using svcuitl. exe at command prompt By adding Service Reference In this article we will create a proxy at the client side using Add Service Reference. In the Console Project right click on References and select the Add Service Reference option. In the Add Service Reference dialog copy and paste the address of the Service or if the WCF Service and Console Client project is in the same solution then click on Discover. If there is no error in the Service then you will find the Service Reference added as given in the following image. If you want you can change the name of the Reference. I am leaving here the default name Service. Reference. 1. You can consume the service by the client as in the following Create instance of proxy class. Call different operations from service You can create an instance of the proxy class as in the following And let us say you want to make a call to the Add function. That can be done as in the following So at the client side you can call all four of the functions of the Calculator Service as in the following using System using Console. Client. Service. Reference. Console. Client    class. Program            staticvoid Mainstring args                    Calculator. Client proxy new. Calculator. Client            double add. Result proxy. Add. Numbers9, 3            Console. Write. LineResult of Add Operation            Console. Write. Lineadd. Result            double sub. Result proxy. Substract. Numbers9, 3            Console. Write. LineResult of Substract Operation            Console. Write. Linesub. Result            double mul. Result  proxy. Multiply. Numbers9, 3            Console. Write. LineResult of Multiply Operation            Console. Write. Linemul. Result            double div. Result proxy. Multiply. Numbers9, 3            Console. Write. LineResult of Division Operation            Console. Write. Linediv. Result            Console. Read. Keytrue            Press F5 to run the Console Client Application. You will get the desired results. You have now created a Calculator WCF Service and consumed that in a Console Application. In further articles I will simplify other concepts for WCF for beginners. I hope you find this article useful. Thanks for reading.