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GuardSystemManager11. SGX Singapore Exchange Ltd. Part I Scope of Section B of Listing Manual. The Exchange operates Catalist in accordance with Section B of the Listing Manual, with a view to promoting a fair, orderly and transparent market. In 1513, Ferdinand II of Aragon issued a decree establishing the encomienda land settlement system that was to be incorporated throughout the Spanish Americas. Chapter 2 Sponsors and Chapter 3 Disciplinary and Appeals Procedures and. Chapter 4 Equity Securities, Chapter 7 Continuing Obligations, Chapter 8 Changes in Capital, Chapter 9 Interested Person Transactions, Chapter 1. C300' alt='Guard System Manager 11.8.1' title='Guard System Manager 11.8.1' />Acquisitions and Realisations, Chapter 1. Takeovers, Chapter 1. Circulars and Annual Reports and Chapter 1. Trading Halt, Suspension and Delisting. Part II General Principles. The Rules seek to secure and maintain confidence in the market. The underlying principles of the Rules include the following. Rules, which includes assessing the suitability of companies for listing on Catalist and advising issuers on compliance with the Rules. The Exchange reserves the right to subject a listed issuers change in principal business to the Exchanges approval if in the Exchanges opinion a the integrity of the market may be adversely affected orb it is in the interests of the public to do so. Amended on 2. 9 September 2. Part III Application of Rules. Subject to the review procedures set out in Chapter 3, the Rules are interpreted, administered and enforced by the Exchange. An issuer admitted to the Exchanges Official List must comply with the Rules. Softwares De Conforto. Term Meaning A Accredited Investor Same meaning as in the Securities and Futures Act. Appeals Committee The committee appointed by the SGX RegCo. In accordance with the spirit, intention and purpose and. An issuer shall ensure that its directors are responsible for the issuers compliance with the Rules. The sponsor is responsible for advising the issuer on the interpretation and compliance with the issuers obligations in the Rules. The decisions and requirements of the Exchange are conclusive and binding on the issuer. Guard System Manager 11.8.1' title='Guard System Manager 11.8.1' />The Exchange may at any time vary its decision in any way, or revoke it. It may do so upon the application of the issuer or of its own accord and at its absolute discretion. The variation or revocation will take effect from the date specified by the Exchange. A sponsor shall ensure that its directors are responsible for the sponsors compliance with the Rules. Unless referred to the Disciplinary Committee or the Appeals Committee, the decisions and requirements of the Exchange are conclusive and binding on the sponsor. The Exchange may at any time vary its decision in any way, or revoke it. It may do so upon the application of the sponsor or of its own accord and at its absolute discretion. The variation or revocation will take effect from the date specified by the Exchange. Unless referred to the Appeals Committee, the decisions of the Disciplinary Committee are conclusive and binding. If referred to the Appeals Committee, its decisions are conclusive and binding. Amended on 2. 9 September 2. October 2. 01. 5. The Exchange may impose additional requirements or make any listing subject to special conditions whenever it considers it appropriate. The Exchange may waive or modify compliance with a Rule or part of a Rule either generally or to suit the circumstances of a particular case, unless the Rule specifies that the Exchange will not waive it. The Exchange may grant a waiver subject to such conditions, as it considers appropriate. If the Exchange waives a Rule or part of a Rule subject to a condition, the condition must be satisfied for the waiver to be effective. Where a waiver is granted, the issuer must announce the waiver, the reasons for seeking the waiver and the conditions, if any, upon which the waiver is granted as soon as practicable. Applications for waivers should be submitted through the issuers sponsor. Amended on 2. 9 September 2. Where the Exchange rejects an admission, or other application made pursuant to Section B of the Listing Manual, it may, if it considers it appropriate, disclose the reasons for its decision but is under no obligation to do so. The Rules may be amended by the Exchange from time to time, subject to such approval as may be required by applicable law. The Exchange may, from time to time, issue Practice Notes or amend existing Practice Notes to provide guidance on the interpretation and application of any Rule or a more detailed prescription of a Rule. The Exchange may from time to time issue a best practices guide relating to corporate governance matters, and may amend such best practices guide. The Exchange may, from time to time, publish transitional arrangements in relation to any amended or new rule. Part IV Sponsors and Issuers Directors. A listing applicant shall appoint a full sponsor in order to be eligible for listing on Catalist. An issuer shall retain a sponsor at all times and seek advice from its sponsor regarding compliance with the Rules wherever appropriate, giving due consideration to such advice. An issuer shall ensure that its directors accept responsibility, collectively and individually, for the issuers compliance with the Rules. Directors and proposed directors of an applicant following admission, the issuer are responsible for the accuracy of the information submitted to the Exchange. Generally, the Exchange expects information to be submitted through the sponsor. The sponsor shall exercise due care and diligence in respect of all information that is submitted through it. The Exchange must be kept informed of all matters which should be brought to its attention. Part V Fees and Other Charges. Applicants, issuers, sponsors and registered professionals must pay such fees and charges as prescribed by the Exchange from time to time. The Exchange may waive any fee or charges. Amended on 2. 5 September 2. The fees payable are published by the Exchange from time to time. Part VI Liability of SGX ST1. When the Exchange publishes or releases an issuers announcement on its behalf, the Exchange shall not be responsible to check the accuracy of the facts or any of the contents of such announcement, and shall not be liable for any damages or losses however arising as a result of publishing the announcement or disseminating the information in the announcement. The issuer shall indemnify the Exchange for any such losses or damages or costs, including any arising as a result of legal proceedings brought by any third party. Neither the Exchange nor any servant or agent of the Exchange, nor any member of the advisory panel, Disciplinary Committee or Appeals Committee is liable to any sponsor applicant or sponsor including any director, officer, registered professional, employee or agent of the sponsor for performing its functions under the Rules. This limitation of liability extends to any actions whether in contract or tort or otherwise, and applies even in the purported performance of a function in good faith. Part I Scope of Chapter. This Chapter sets out the requirements for sponsors and registered professionals. In authorising sponsors and registered professionals, a major consideration is to maintain the Exchanges operation of markets with high integrity and standards. The Exchange may authorise a sponsor to act as a full sponsor or a continuing sponsor. The Exchange may register an individual to act as a registered professional. Part II Authorisation of Sponsors. To be eligible for authorisation as a full sponsor, an applicant must meet the following eligibility criteria, in addition to any legal and regulatory requirements. Singapore. 3 have substantial shareholders, directors and key officers who are, in the Exchanges opinion, fit and proper.